D'tails Pet Spa

D'tails Pet Spa


Dog Grooming

In dog grooming I offer services for all breeds.  We can pick out a specific style/cut for your fur baby.  Services listed below.

Full Groom

Pricing Based on the breed and the condition of your pet

Small Dogs $55- $65

Medium Dogs $70 - $95

Large Dogs $95 and up  (Limited Large Breeds, No Longer Taking Standard Poodles, Goldendoodles, Labradoodles, Aussiedoodles… etc)

Full Grooms Include...

Bath, Blow Dry, Cut and Style, Ear Cleaning and Plucking, Nail Trim, Sanitary Trim, and Anal Gland Expression

Basic Groom

Pricing Based on the breed and the condition of your pet

Small Dogs $30 - $45

Medium Dogs $50 - $70

Large Dogs $75-90 (Limited Large Breeds, No Longer Taking Standard Poodles, Goldendoodles, Labradoodles, Aussiedoodles… etc)

Bath, Blow Dry, Brush Out, Ear Cleaning and Plucking, Nail Trim, Sanitary Trim, and Anal Gland Expression

Add Ons (in addition to a basic or full groom)

Flea Soak $10 -$15

DeShedding Treatment $10 - $20

Re-moisturizing Treatment $10 - $15

Nail Gringing $5 (added to a groom or a nail trim)

Individual Services

Nail Trim $10

Nail Grinding $5 (added to a groom or a nail trim)

Ear Cleaning and Plucking $10

Anal Gland Expression $10

 *Additional fees for matted, flea infested, or behavioral issues.

From $10 up to the cost of the full groom depending on severity.